Burning Hearts Heliopsis

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra

$3.99 $5.99 Save $2

Pkt (≈ 50 seeds)

Enhance your garden with these gorgeous, easy to grow perennial flowers. This stunning plant features vibrant red and yellow daisy-like flowers, complemented by dark purple foliage. The fiery 2-3″ flowers have captivating red centers and bloom throughout the summer and fall. Growing up to 3-4' tall and 18" wide, this perennial is perfect for creating a seasonal hedge that attracts pollinators and birds.

It is resilient in a variety of soils, drought-tolerant, and resistant to deer and rabbits. Also known as false sunflower, rough oxeye, and smooth oxeye, this native species from eastern and central North America will add a colorful touch of life to your full-sun garden. This is a cultivated variety of a native plant.


Plant in full sun or light shade location.


Seeds require a 30 day “cold stratification” or cold treatment before they will germinate. To start seeds inside, mix the seeds into ½ cup of moist sand (or paper towel) and place in a sealed plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 30 days before planting. Then start seeds inside 4/1-6/1, 1/8" deep. Days to germination: 14-28. Transplant outside May-July 18" apart.

Plant in full sun or light shade location.

Alternatively, sow seeds outside in late summer, fall or early spring (before March 1st) so they are naturally exposed to the cold. Prepare area by removing weeds and loosen soil surface with a rake. Hand broadcast (sow) seeds evenly over area. Water seeds with a light sprinkle after sowing. From seed, these plants can take 1-3 years to become established and large enough to flower.