Diablo Cosmos Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Cosmos sulphureus


Pkt (≈50 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 1/10 oz (≈320 seeds)

Delightfully bright, citrus-orange flowers adorn graceful foliage that sways in the breeze and attracts pollinators and butterflies galore. Easy to grow plants usually grow 2-4 ft tall and equally wide - and one plant can produce an explosion of hundredss without the need for deadheading! 

This species of cosmos, originated in Central America, thrives in drought conditions, marginal soil, and high temperatures. We also found it performed great on our farm once the heavy rains and humidity came. Cosmos are some of the easiest cut flowers for beginners.  An abundant seed producer that may reseed in your garden the following year. The seeds are also easy to collect for saving and swapping however this species is potentially invasive in the southern US and Hawaii so avoid planting it in warm climates. Additionally, the flowers can be used as a natural dye or as an edible garnish. This variety was awarded the All-American Selections winner in 1974. 

65-75 days to maturity

Cosmos will flower all summer until the first heavy frost. Can be started indoors 3/25-4/21 or sown directly outdoors after frost (5/20-7/20). Plant seeds 1/4 - 1/2 ” deep, with final spacing 12” apart. 7 -10 days until germination at 75°F.