Sunspot Dwarf Organic Sunflower Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Helianthus annuus


Pkt (≈45 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: (≈180 seeds)
Certified Organic

Fun, cheery, dwarf sunflower perfect for containers and small gardens! Vibrant, golden petals with lime green centers on medium-large heads. This is our favorite dwarf sunflower - vigorous enough to be a strong & sturdy plant, yet small enough for containers and small gardens. Seeds are large and edible and also make good food for birds. Sunspot makes nice cut flowers. Plants range from single heads to multiple heads per plant. There seem to be different strains of this sunflower - ours is 2.5-4' tall.

65 days to maturity.

Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed outside provided that they are kept moist during germination & seedlings are protected from slugs (use Sluggo). Also, protect plants from groundhogs & deer. Sow seeds outside 6/1-6/30, in rows 6” apart. Thin to 12-18” for full size plants. These dwarf type sunflowers grow well in pots and raised beds. To grow a single plant in a pot use a container that is at least 10" wide and 15" deep. To grow 3 plants in a pot, use a container at least 15" wide and deep. Sow multiple seeds directly in the pot. When the plants are 4" tall thin (remove plants) to leave only 1 plant per small pot and up to 3 plants in a large pot.