Valentine Organic Sunflower Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Helianthus annuus


Pkt(≈ 40 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: (≈ 170 seeds)
Certified Organic

Cheery, pastel-yellow sunflower to brighten your days! Sunflowers add so much beauty to our lives and Valentine is perfect adorning your garden and home.

Plants are 5' tall, with multiple medium sized, 4-5" flowers. Long, sturdy stems are good for cutting. Valentine has a longer bloom season than many sunflowers. Feeds pollinators and attracts Goldfinches who love the seeds.

80 days to maturity.

Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed outside provided that they are kept moist during germination & seedlings are protected from slugs (use Sluggo). Also, protect plants from groundhogs & deer. Sow seeds outside 6/1-6/30, 6” apart. Thin to 18” for full size plants.