Start Brussels Sprout seeds indoors 3/15 at 72-85°. Days to germination: 5-8. Transplant outside 4/15, spaced 18” apart in rows 24” apart. Protect Brussels Sprout plants from deer, groundhogs, and rabbits. Cabbage plants may be eaten by several different species of caterpillars. If they cause damage, hand remove caterpillars or spray organic BT.
Harvest Brussels Sprouts in fall. Break off sprouts or harvest whole stalk.
Brussels sprouts are difficult to save seed from, so research further before attempting. They must be grown over two years to produce seed which means, in the north, they will need to be dug up in the fall, stored over winter, and replanted in spring. In the Brassica family so it is insect pollinated. Isolation distance: ½ mile. Minimum population size: 20-50 plants. To harvest seed, allow plants to flower and collect seed from mature pods.
Our Recommendations with Darkmar Organic Brussels Sprouts Seeds