In colder climates, okra does best when started indoors and transplanted. Start inside in May, 2-3 weeks before transplanting outside. Plant 3-4 seeds per cell, 1/4” deep. Germination happens faster at 80-90° (use a heating mat). Thin to 1 plant per cell before transplanting (cut, don’t pull). Space transplants 18-24” apart with rows at least 3’ apart. Can benefit from soaking overnight before seeding.
Frequently harvest pods that are about 3” long. Flowers and fruit will continually form if harvests occur regularly, until frost. Prickly pods can cause skin irritation; wear gloves if sensitive. For best eating, do not allow pods to over-ripen on the stalk, they will become tough and the plant will stop producing.
Okra is self-pollinated, but varieties may cross if planted within ¼ mile of each other. Let pods fully ripen on the plant to save seeds. Okra seeds are fully developed when pod is brown and brittle. Harvest and store in dry, well ventilated area. Thresh seeds by cracking or cutting open pods. Screen and winnow to clean.
Our Recommendations with Red Okra 98 Organic Seeds