Yellow Coneflower Wildflower Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Ratibida pinnata


Pkt (≈200 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: (≈2000 seeds)

Golden perennial native to prairies and savannas throughout the midwest. This drought-tolerant wildflower is easy to grow and transplant, making it a perfect addition to any garden or wild planting where it provides food and habitat for birds, butterflies, and pollinators.

Blooms midsummer (July- September) sporting drooping, soft yellow petals. Makes a great cut flower. It is deer resistant and drought tolerant. (AKA "Grayheaded Coneflower")

Height: 4-5'. 


Seeds need “cold stratification” (cold treatment) before they will germinate. Sow seeds outside in late summer, fall, or winter (before March 1st) so they are naturally exposed to the cold. Or, to plant in the spring, mix the seeds into ½ cup of moist sand (or paper towel) and place in a sealed plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 1 month weeks before planting outside in May-June. Plant in full sun or part-sun location. Prepare area by removing weeds and loosen soil surface with a rake. Hand broadcast (sow) seeds evenly over area. Water seeds with a light sprinkle after sowing. From seed, these plants can take 1-3 years to become established and large enough to flower. We also recommend sowing annual plant seeds to fill in the area until the native plants get established. Try Blanket Flower, Hopi Red Dye Amaranth, Dyer’s Coreopsis, Calendula, or Cosmos. If starting inside and transplanting, then start seed indoors in March or April (after 1 month of cold treatment). Barely cover the seed, as light aids in germination. Keep seeds moist until plants emerge. Days to germiation: 20-30. Transplant outside after the last frost (late May). Space plants 18-24” apart.