Dyer's Organic Coreopsis

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Coreopsis tinctoria


Pkt(≈100 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 0.3 g (≈ 500 seeds)
Certified Organic

Erica loves this easy-to-grow flower that adds color to the garden and can also be used to dye yarn. Dyer’s Coreopsis is a compact plant (2-3’ height) that is fast growing and by mid-summer plants are loaded with 1” diameter, yellow and/or red flowers. Erica has used it to dye wool in various shades of yellow, orange, red, and brown. Grows well in poor, dry soils. Native west of the Mississippi River, this self-sowing annual can be sown in wildflower plantings where it provides color and cover during the first few years while the perennial native plants get established. There is natural variation of flower color and pattern in our seed mix, but flowers are mostly red or red with a yellow outer ring. Great for cut flower arrangements and attracting butterflies. Shearing plants to “dead head” them keeps them flowering all summer long.

55 days to maturity.

Start indoors 4/15 at 55-70°F. Seed planting depth: 1/16". Days to germination: 10-15. Transplant or direct sow outside after last frost (5/21). Plant spacing: 12-18". Full sun.