Pride of Wisconsin Melon Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Cucumis melo


Pkt(≈20 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 1/8 oz (≈ 110 seeds)

Refreshingly sweet and juicy cantaloupe-type melon with a musky, fruity aroma. Flesh slices like butter, soft enough for easy spoon eating and firm enough to slice for salad. Medium-sized melons have a small seed cavity which means more flesh! Ripens apricot orange with netting on the rind. Good resistance to Downy Mildew. This melon was created by a cross of two of the most popular melons during the 1920’s and 1930’s in the upper Midwest. It was then introduced under the name “Pride of Wisconsin” by the Robert Buist Seed Company in 1937. There is some natural variability in shape, size, and netting of this variety. We love this melon for its reliability, high yield, and flavor.

90 days to maturity.

Soil: melons want lots of organic matter (compost and/or decomposed manure). Melons do not like their roots disturbed during transplanting. Start seeds indoors in small biodegradable pots 5/1. Ideal temperature for germination: 85-95° (use heating mat). Melon seedlings are sensitive to damping off fungus so keep seeds on the drier side and use a fan (set to low) to provide air circulation. Days to germination: 4-5. Once 2 leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Do not let plant become pot-bound in their pots. Transplant them outdoors, pot & all, around 6/1. Or, direct sow seeds outdoors (1/2” deep) around 6/1, keeping seeds moist until germination. Protect germinating seeds from slugs (use phosphate organic slug bait). Protect plants from cucumber beetles by covering seeds/seedlings with row cover fabric at planting. Protect plants from groundhogs and deer. Water plants regularly (we recommend drip irrigation/soaker hoses).