Soil: melons want lots of organic matter (compost and/or decomposed manure). Melons do not like their roots disturbed during transplanting. Start seeds indoors in small biodegradable pots 5/1. Ideal temperature for germination: 85-95° (use heating mat). Melon seedlings are sensitive to damping off fungus so keep seeds on the drier side and use a fan (set to low) to provide air circulation. Days to germination: 4-5. Once 2 leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Do not let plant become pot-bound in their pots. Transplant them outdoors, pot & all, around 6/1. Or, direct sow seeds outdoors (1/2” deep) around 6/1, keeping seeds moist until germination. Protect germinating seeds from slugs (use phosphate organic slug bait). Protect plants from cucumber beetles by covering seeds/seedlings with row cover fabric at planting. Protect plants from groundhogs and deer. Water plants regularly (we recommend drip irrigation/soaker hoses).
When melon rind turns from green to tan/orange and fruit are easily removed from the plant.
Melons are insect pollinated and will cross with all other melon varieties (except watermelons) within ½ mile (or let the melon varieties cross and see what you get!). Minimum population size: 6-25 plants (but you can save seed from less # of plants if the seeds are for your own use). Always select seeds from the best plants. Rinse and dry seeds from ripe melons.
Our Recommendations with Trifecta Organic Melon Seeds