Wild Spring Garlic can be grown in gardens & containers as a delectable spring treat or it can be grown as a perennial patch. It can be planted in difficult growing areas such as in partial shade, under walnut trees, and edible forest gardens as long as the site is not overly wet.
Plant in fall (Oct/Nov). Plant cloves 2-3" deep in a patch or grid, 1" apart. Keep bulbs intact until you are ready to plant them, then break up into individual cloves leaving cloves on. Covering the soil with a light layer of mulch (straw, oak leaves) helps suppress weeds, retain moisture, and fertilizes the soil. Do not remove the mulch in the spring. Cut or remove the weeds a few times in the spring and summer, as garlic does not compete well against weeds.
Your wild garlic patch will start growing very early in the spring - clip leaves with scissors. Stems & leaves can be harvested mid spring - use them as you would garlic scapes. Bulbs can be dug and enjoyed anytime spring through June. Cloves will be very small.
You can expand your wild garlic patch by digging up bulbs, separating the cloves and replanting them anytime June - November.