Lingua di Canarino Organic Lettuce Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Lactuca sativa


Pkt (≈360 seeds)
Certified Organic

Italian heirloom lettuce with sweet and light flavor even during the heat of summer when other lettuces turn bitter. Its crunchy white mid-ribs are crisp and refreshing while the oak-leaf shaped green leaves are frilly adding beauty and loft to salads. Lingua di Canarino is an improved Italian oakleaf head lettuce that is larger and slower bolting than most oak leaf lettuce types. Can be grown spring, summer, and fall. Lingua won't disappoint!

50 days to maturity.

In general, lettuce prefers cool weather and will bolt (flower) earlier in hot weather – this lettuce is more heat tolerant. For early head lettuce, start seeds indoors 3/1 at 68° (cover flat with a dome and expose seeds to light). Sow lettuce seeds outside anytime between 3/27 – 6/30. You can try to sow lettuce seeds 7/1-8/1 but lettuce seeds will not germinate when the soil temperature is over 80° - try covering seeds with row cover fabric to keep them cool and moist. Lettuce seeds need light to germinate - plant seeds on the surface of the soil and pat gently with a hand. Keep seeds constantly moist until germination. Days to germination: 2-14 days. Space head lettuce 12” apart.