Mountaineer Delight Disease Resistant Organic Tomato Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum


Pkt(≈ 20 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: (≈130 seeds)
Certified Organic

These fire engine red slicers make tomato growing a snap with their blight resistance. Mountaineer Delight offers a balanced combination of tart and sweet flavors that remain delicious even into the fall when other tomatoes tend to have poor flavor. Its firm yet juicy texture is perfect for sandwiches and salads, but also works well for cooking and preserving.

Its disease resistance makes it a great choice for humid & rainy climates like the Midwest. Resistant to Septoria leaf blight, Late Blight, Verticillium & Fusarium Wilts. The fruit is uniform and resistant to cracking. Developed at West Virginia University by Mahfuz Rahman & Mannon Gallegly who introduced us to this great variety.

77 days to maturity.

Start tomato seeds inside at least 6 weeks before last frost (around 4/1). Ideal temperature for germination is 85° (use a heating mat). Days to germination: 5-14. Once leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Plant seedlings outside late May into fertile garden soil (with lots of compost or decomposed manure) at a spacing of 18” apart. Stake tomato plants. Tomatoes are susceptible to several fungal diseases (including Early and Late Blight and Verticillium Wilt). To prevent blight, keep foliage dry by 1) Pruning tomato plants to allow for good air circulation 2) Water with drip irrigation/soaker hoses. Crop rotation is also key to preventing tomato diseases. Ideally, plant tomato plants in a spot that has not had any Solanaceae crops (tomato, peppers, eggplant, potatoes) growing there for 4 years. Frequent watering will help to minimize cracking of tomatoes.