Sow seeds indoors 4/1-5/1, 1/4" deep (at 65-70°). Keep seeds moist until germination. Days to germination: 10-20. You will want to either start the seeds in large containers (4" pots) or start them in small containers and transplant them into larger containers. Transplant outside: Dahlia should be planted in a location with good drainage and/or raised beds so that the tubers don't rot. Dahlias are heavy feeders and appreciate generous doses of compost and organic fertilizer. Plant 5/20-6/5 in full sun, spaced 8-12" apart. Apply Sluggo to protect seedlings from slugs/snails. Stake dahlia plants before they get too big and fall over. They will bloom late summer when grown from seed. Since this is a dahlia mix you can pick out your favorite flowers and mark these plant tubers for digging in the fall. Dig dahlia tubers in the fall about 2 weeks after plants have died back from frost (but before the ground freezes). Cut the plant stems back to 2-4", carefully dig your tubers, and remove soil (and label your tubers if you want to keep track of them). Let tubers sit to dry in a warm location for 1-3 days with ample air flow. Then pack tubers in peat moss or vermiculite in ziplock bags or boxes. You want to pack them dry but store them in a way that retains moisture. Store them in a cool/cold (40-50°) location that won't freeze such as a cool basement, wine cooler, heated shed or garage, in the ground in a hoophouse, or in the fridge. Plant tubers outside mid to late May or plant them 4 weeks earlier inside in pots and plant those plants outside in late May.
Harvest flowers when they are almost fully open - they will last about 5 days in a vase. Dahlia petals and tubers are edible raw or cooked and have a diversity of texture and flavor.
Collect seed pods in the fall. You will be the only one with these exact seeds!