Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed outside provided that they are kept moist during germination & seedlings are protected from slugs (use Sluggo). Also, protect plants from groundhogs & deer. Sow seeds outside 6/1-6/30, in rows 6” apart. Thin to 12-18” for full size plants. These dwarf type sunflowers grow well in pots and raised beds. To grow a single plant in a pot use a container that is at least 10" wide and 15" deep. To grow 3 plants in a pot, use a container at least 15" wide and deep. Sow multiple seeds directly in the pot. When the plants are 4" tall thin (remove plants) to leave only 1 plant per small pot and up to 3 plants in a large pot.
For cut flowers, harvest young (newly opened) flowers with tight centers and place in water, out of the sun & wind immediately.
Sunflowers are an easy seed saving crop although they will cross easily with other sunflower varieties. Minimum population size: 5. Cut seedheads when seeds are mature but before the birds get them all! Place seedheads to dry in a dry location with good air circulation.
Our Recommendations with Sunspot Dwarf Organic Sunflower Seeds