Top Hat Organic Sweet Corn

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Zea mays


Pkt(≈100 seeds)
Certified Organic

This awesome new sweet corn is so sweet, you will think it’s a hybrid – it’s not and it’s absolutely delicious! Jonathon Spero has been working for many years to breed new open-pollinated, extra sweet corns, and Top Hat is a real winner. We love Top Hat too because the fat, tender kernels pop in your mouth. Ears are yellow, small to smedium sized and stay sweet well after picking. Its early, productive, and compact plants are perfect for smaller gardens. It is a Sugary Enhanced (SE) type of sweet corn. Jonathon released Top Hat through the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI), keeping seeds unpatented and in the hands of the people for all times. Our premium non-GMO corn seeds are perfect for natural farming.


80 days to maturity.

Corn needs fertile soil with a lot of compost/manure. Corn is wind pollinated so you should grow at least 16 corn plants (plant in a block – not in a row) so that enough pollen from the tassels will land on the silks to pollinate all of the kernels to produce full ears of corn. Not enough space for 16 plants? You can hand pollinate your corn (look online for instructions). Plant corn seeds after the soil has warmed to at least 65F (5/20-6/15). Plant seeds 6” apart in rows 36” apart (thin plants to 12” apart). Plant at least 4 rows of 4 plants in a block. Days to germination: 3-12. This variety of corn has short plants so don’t grow pole beans on it or the beans may take over the corn.