Touchstone Gold Organic Beet Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Beta vulgaris


Pkt(≈100 seeds)
Certified Organic

Golden beets with bright yellow flesh and excellent, sweet flavor. If you’re not a fan of the earthy flavor of beets, try Touchstone Gold! Roots are slightly tapered and rich in beta-carotenes that retain their gold color when cooked. Touchstone is superb in Erica’s mom’s Roasted Root Veggie recipe with olive oil, garlic, and salt. Tops are green and edible and can be cooked like chard. Plants are more vigorous and uniform than most golden beets. 

55 days to maturity.

For early beets, you can start seeds indoors 3/15 (at 80°). Once leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Transplant outside 5/1 (3” apart in rows 12” apart). Or, sow beet seeds outside anytime 5/15 – 8/1. Sow seeds ½” deep, 1.5” apart in rows 12” apart. Keep seeds consistently moist until germination. Days to germination: 5-7. Try interplanting radish seeds with beets which will be ready much earlier than the beets. Rocks and clods in soil will cause beets to be disfigured. Keep beets moist and well weeded. Beets will have the best flavor and texture when grown in cooler weather.