Ella Kropf Lettuce Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Lactuca sativa


Pkt(≈300 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 1/10 oz (≈ 2000 seeds)
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Mid-size green butterhead with an excellent creamy texture. We love its sweet flavor and crunchy midribs. This Midwest heirloom was donated to Seed Savers Exchange by the Kropf family of Deer Grove, Illinois, who had originally received it from a man in Stewardson, Illinois around 1930. For an older heirloom, we were surprised by the consistent size and shape of the heads. It is reliable, productive and easy to grow. Can be grown anytime, but it tastes best in the cooler weather of spring and fall.

68 days to maturity.

Lettuce prefers cooler weather and will bolt (flower) earlier in hot weather. For early head lettuce, start seeds indoors 3/1 at 68° (cover flat with a dome and expose seeds to light). Sow lettuce seeds outside anytime between 3/27 – 6/30. Lettuce seeds germinate when the soil temperature ranges from 35-80° (68° optimum). Lettuce seeds need light to germinate - plant seeds on the surface of the soil and pat gently with a hand. Keep seeds constantly moist until germination (laying row cover fabric on top of the seeds will help keep them cool and moist). Days to germination: 2-14 days. Space 8” apart for head lettuce.