Vit Organic Mache Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Valerianella locusta


Pkt(≈110 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 1 g (≈ 1000 seeds)
Certified Organic

Vit Mache (pronounced “mosh”) is an annual vegetable grown for baby salad greens . Common in Europe, Mache is a vegetable that has recently gained popularity in the U.S. Mache is extremely cold hardy and can be grown in cold frames, low tunnels, or hoophouses without additional protection. Also grows well in hydroponic gardens. Vit produces dark green, oval shaped leaves that grow in a rosette. Plants are very shade tolerant, so don’t be afraid to tuck it away in a shady corner. Plant stays very short (up to 12”) and can be grown as an edible ground cover underneath taller plants. Reseeding itself, Vit has become a low maintenance re-seeding edible in our hoop house (it does not become "weedy"). Harvest the leaves and enjoy their succulent, nutty flavor in a fresh green salad. (AKA "Corn Salad")

50 days to maturity.

Direct sow 1” apart in rows 4-18” apart. Tolerates shade and cold weather. Plant any time soil temperature is 41-68 degrees. Seed germinates slowly, in about 2 weeks and will not germinate if temperatures are greater than 70 degrees F. Will re-seed.