Chioggia Guardsmark Organic Beet Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Beta vulgaris


Pkt(≈100 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 1/3 oz (≈ 500 seeds)
Certified Organic
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When a classic Italian heirloom was put through a rigorous selection and improvement process, this beet was born! The Chioggia beet, sometimes called Bassano after its Italian hometown, has been grown and sold in the U.S. for 180 years! The most famous feature of this variety is the contrasting pink and white striped interior of the root that becomes apparent once it is sliced. Over time, heirlooms sometimes drift or deviate from original defining characteristics, but this strain has been recently improved for consistent coloration to match expectations. The flavor and size are similar to market standard Detroit Dark Red (3” diameter root), though this variety may be slightly sweeter. Excellent vigor, uniformity and productivity make this a popular variety among market farmers, and the nutritious greens make this a doubly valuable crop for home gardeners. Our seeds are from High Mowing Organic Seeds, which offer a strain improved by Alf Christensen Seed Company.

60 days to maturity.

Sow beet seeds directly outside anytime 5/15 – 8/1. Sow seeds ½” deep, 1.5” apart in rows 12” apart. Keep seeds consistently moist until germination. Days to germination: 5-7. For early beets, you can start seeds indoors 3/15 (at 80°). Once leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Transplant outside 5/1 (3” apart in rows 12” apart). Rocks and clods in soil will cause beets to be disfigured. Keep beets moist and well weeded. Beets will have the best flavor and texture when grown in cooler weather.