We too are friends of Fruitions Seeds. Many of us are surprised (and even disappointed) that Fruition Seeds is no longer offering their fabulous, organic, heirloom seeds to be shipped to our doorsteps. For many of us, our gardens are our sanctuary - the place that helps us find calm in a violent world, that brings us physical and spiritual nourishment.
If you want the same quality and care that Petra & Matthew at Fruition put into their seeds, delivered to your doorstep, check out our seeds here at Nature & Nurture Seeds. Our seeds are:
Heirloom, Non-GMO, & Organic
Vegetable, Herb, and Flower Seeds
Located near Ann Arbor Michigan, we've got the best for the Midwest, North and beyond. From high-performing workhorse seeds to rare Midwest heirlooms, we provide premium-quality seeds for diverse farms and gardens. Learn About US.
Here at N&N Seeds we support Matthew & Petra (of Fruition Seeds) choice to nurture a gifting economy and to try to change our broken economic system by building something new from the ground up. We too think that there is so much about our world that needs fixing from the bottom up and commend them for taking this giant leap.
Before starting N&N Seeds, I (Erica) had been working in social, food, and environmental justice and felt that so much of my time and energy was spent on fighting against injustice and damage to our earth. I wanted to do something that was positive, inspiring, and supported other people to take care of themselves so that they could bring their best selves to healing this world. Erica & Mike have long been gardeners and seed enthusiasts. Thus N&N Farm/N&N Seeds was born. This passion for change continues to be the motivation and mission that drives N&N Seeds.
We believe that there are many ways to make change. That each of us has special gifts to offer and can ask ourselves "how do we offer these gifts?" and that there are many different "correct" answers to this question. And that the answer to this question is different for each of us. We (Erica & Mike) of N&N Seeds think that our seed work that we have spent our lifetimes investing our time, energy and hearts in, is the work that fits us best.
This work is physically hard - I am out at 11:30pm, working by dim light, and cold hands decanting tomatoes because it just has to be done now. It is at times like these (that happen way too often!) that it takes a strong sense of purpose and tons of determination just to keep on keeping on. While this work has been rewarding in many ways, it has never been financially stable which is why we ask for your support.
There are many other small, family run seed companies and farmer owned coops who share our mission who, like us, have ongoing financial struggles. And we think that you should support them too:
Common Wealth Seed Growers (VA)
Driftless Seed Supply (WI)
Experimental Farm Network (PA)
Meadowlark Hearth (NE)
North Circle Seeds (MN)
Prairie Road Organic Seed (ND)
Sistah Seeds (PA)
Small House Farm (MI)
Snake River Seed Cooperative (ID)
The Living Seed Company (NC)
True Love Seeds (PA)
Two Seeds in a Pod (WV)