Bee Balm Native Organic Wildflower Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Monarda spp.


Pkt (≈100 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 2 g (≈800 seeds)
Certified Organic

A perennial native wildflower that is easy to grow and good for the bees! Aka Wild Bergamot, Bee Balm competes well against weeds so it is a great seed to throw down in an area that you want to go wild.

Plants bloom in July and grow in full to part shade reaching 3-4’ tall and spread by rhizomes. Plants are cold hardy to USDA Zone 3, grow well in heavy clay soils and are deer resistant to boot! Bee Balm feeds a diversity of wildlife including bees, butterflies, sphinx moths, and hummingbirds. Leaves and flowers taste like oregano and can be used as seasoning. Erica loves to frolic among the Bee Balm plants and enjoy the sweet nectar when blossoms are placed on the tongue. Our Bee Balm seeds have been wild harvested from our farm. Plants do not flower until the second year. Midwest genotype.

Start seeds inside 3/21, 1/16" deep. Keep seeds (but not soggy wet) moist until germination. Transplant outside May-June 12-18" apart. Full sun or part shade. Or, direct sow outside 3/1-7/15. Prepare area by loosening soil surface with a rake (remove weeds if possible). Hand broadcast (sow) seeds evenly over area. From seed, these plants can take 1-3 years to become established and large enough to flower. We recommend sowing several species of native plants together such as “Save the Bees” or “Good Bug Blend.” We also recommend sowing annual plant seeds to fill in the area until the native plants get established. Try Blanket Flower, Hopi Red Dye Amaranth, Dyer’s Coreopsis, Calendula, or Cosmos.