Bouquet Organic Dill Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Anethum graveolens


Pkt(≈215 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 1/8 oz (≈ 2100 seeds)
Certified Organic

Bouquet dill has edible leaves, flowers, and seeds. It is easy to start from seed and grows quickly, making it an easy choice for an herb garden. It can be grown tucked away in any corner and also works well in a pot. Use the fresh leaves (aka “dill weed”) as a garnish and in salads, or dry them for later. From cucumbers to beans, dill is a standard ingredient in our farm pickled ferments. Erica’s sister Kelly makes a yummy cucumber salad with yogurt, dill, and salt – so refreshing on a hot summer day! Mature plants are 56” tall. Dill easily re-seeds in the garden. Bouquet is our substitute for Jen's Dill which it is very similar to.

50 days (leaf harvest), 100 days (seed).

Dill is frost sensitive. It is easily started outside directly into garden soil. Sow the seeds around May 20th, 3” apart. For a constant supply of leaves, sow seeds again one month later. Days to germination: 7-20.