Common Milkweed Wildflower Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Asclepias syriaca


Pkt (≈ 100seeds)

Milkweed is the only plant that provides food & home for Monarch butterfly babies - help the Monarchs by planting milkweed! Common Milkweed is an easy-to-grow, native, perennial milkweed that attracts and and feeds Monarchs. Pink/purple fragrant flowers give way to interesting pods that are filled with milkweed fluff and seeds. Milkweed fluff can be used for crafts and as a natural stuffing for pillows. Plant this milkweed in wild areas because it will spread too much for formal garden areas.

Plants bloom June to August and can reach a height of 4 feet. This plant is adaptable and can grow in varying levels of sunlight and moisture. Once established, it spreads rapidly by rhizome roots that are nearly impossible to remove so plant it in a location where it is ok for it to spread!  

Our seed is Midwest genotype.

Common Milkweed spreads by rhizomes so we recommend only planting it where you would like a “wild” look.

Native wildflowers require a “cold stratification” or cold treatment before they will germinate. Options: 1) sow seeds outside before March 1st. 2) mix the seeds into ½ cup of moist sand in a sealed plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 6 weeks before planting. 3) Plant the seeds in the fall so they are naturally exposed to the cold and will germinate the following spring/summer.

Plant these native wildflowers in bare mineral soil In a full sun location. Prepare area by removing weeds and loosen soil surface with a rake. Hand broadcast (sow) seeds evenly over area. Water seeds with a light sprinkle after sowing.

From seed, these plants can take 1-3 years to become established and large enough to flower. We recommend sowing several species of native plants together such as “Save the Bees” or “Good Bug Blend.” We also recommend sowing annual plant seeds to fill in the area until the native plants get established. These could include Evening Primrose, Hopi Red Dye Amaranth, Dyer’s Coreopsis, Calendula, Cosmos or Rye.