Sow in containers mid March and transplant outside early May. Or sow seeds outside late May. Plant seeds 1/4" deep . Seeds are very slow to germinate and will emerge in 3 weeks. Plant spacing: 8-12"
Cut individual stems off the plant, starting with the older (outside) leaves. For cut-and-come-again harvest all season long, remove no more than 25% of the plant at a time. Leaves harvested in the cooler parts of the day will have longer shelf life.
Parsley is a biennial, and is primarily insect pollinated. Parsley needs exposure to temperatures below <50°F for 10 weeks to promote flowering in the second year, but parsley will need some protection to survive if temperatures drop below 10°F. Plants can be uprooted, trimmed, and stored for the winter before being replanted in the spring, or parsley plants in containers can be trimmed and stored in a root cellar or unheated, sheltered area. Save seed from at least 5 plants, ideally 20 or more. Harvest seeds as they mature (turn dark brown). Parsley are short -lived seeds - store for up to 2 years.
Our Recommendations with Easy Cut Organic Flat Parsley Seeds