Easy Cut Organic Flat Parsley Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Petroselinum crispum


Pkt(≈130 seeds)
Certified Organic

A German flat-leaved parsley similar to Italian Flat. It is named “Easy Cut” because its upright habit makes it easy to harvest. These parsley seeds are from our friends at Adaptive Seeds in Oregon who have been growing this variety for many years. Dark green leaves are cold hardy which means they can be harvested late into the fall. We want to try it in the hoop house to see if it will hold up to Michigan winters – give it a try and let us know how it does! Adaptive Seeds originally got the seeds from the German biodynamic seed company, Bingenheimer Saatgut. (AKA "Einfache Schnitt 3")

70-85 days to maturity.

Sow in containers mid March and transplant outside early May. Or sow seeds outside late May. Plant seeds 1/4" deep . Seeds are very slow to germinate and will emerge in 3 weeks. Plant spacing: 8-12"