Garlic Chives Organic Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Allium tuberosum

$3.49 $4.49 Save $1

Pkt(≈100 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: 1/2 oz (≈3125 seeds)
Certified Organic

Garlic Chive is a perennial plant similar to common chives, but distinguishable by their flat, broader leaves and fragrant white flowers. This is an all-around great plant for gardeners! Resistant to common animal pests (deer, groundhogs, rabbits). Cold hardy and tolerant of deep shade. Begins production in early spring, providing fresh chives during the spring “food gap.” Permaculturists love this re-seeding perennial as it makes an effective, edible ground cover. (Be sure to plant where reseeding is desired!) White flowers attract beneficial insects. Its versatility in the garden carries into the kitchen, offering a mild garlicky, onion flavor. Adds a welcoming, delicate complexity to stir-fries, soups, omelets and salads. Leaves also make great micro-greens and baby greens.

90 days to maturity.

Start seeds indoors March 15th - April 1st at 70°. Alternatively, sow seeds directly outdoors May 20th - June 15th. Plant seeds 1/8” deep. Days to germination: 7 - 21. Transplant outside after 5 - 6 leaves appear. Plant spacing: 8” apart.