Northern Sea Oats Native Plant Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Chasmanthium latifolium


Pkt (≈ 230 seeds)

Northern Sea Oats is a visually striking woodland grass that is both beautiful and versatile. Its graceful, hanging seed heads sway in the breeze and make for stunning arrangements in the garden mid summer through fall & winter. It is a shade-tolerant perennial and can fill in shady areas.

Dried seedheads are gorgeous in dried arrangements and crafts. Its foliage, reminiscent of bamboo, adds texture to any setting, while its seed heads attract songbirds. It is a host plant for various species of butterflies and moths, including the Northern Pearly-eye, Gemmed Satyr, Pepper and Salt Skipper.

With a preference for shaded, fertile soil, it thrives in the presence of oaks, hickories, and semi-shaded gardens. Plants reach 3' tall and are clump-forming but often fill in like a tall ground cover. Adaptable and easy to grow, Northern Sea Oats will spread by seed & rhizome over time, providing year-round interest with its changing foliage colors. Plant it in an area where it is ok for it to spread otherwise is may become weedy. (AKA"Wild Oats," "Wood Oats," "River Oats")

Seeds need exposure to 30-60 days of cold (aka “cold stratification”) before they will germinate. Sow seeds outside in late summer, fall or early spring (before March 1st) so they are naturally exposed to the cold. Prepare area by loosening soil surface with a rake. Hand broadcast (sow) seeds evenly over area. Water seeds with a light sprinkle after sowing. Or sow seeds onto the snow! To start seeds inside, in January or February, mix the seeds into ½ cup of moist sand (or paper towel) and place in a sealed plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 60 days before planting. Then start seeds in containers 3/1-6/15 at 70°. Days to germination: 7-14. Transplant outside May-July 2-3' apart. Plant in part shade to full sun location. Plants will grow better in a wetter area or with watering.