Tango Organic Celery

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Apium graveolens


Pkt (≈65 seeds)
Certified Organic

Bright green tender stalks with a perfect crunch and excellent flavor. Early, adaptable and a vigorous grower, making it a great choice for home gardeners. 

Our favorite Tango celery recipe comes from 2023 apprentice, Daniel from Chile - chopped celery and avocado dressed with lemon, olive oil, and salt. Garlic fans will love to add some crushed garlic too.

Homegrown celery is unblanched (unlike grocery store celery) so it is darker green, a bit less tender and has a stronger flavor that is great in salads and as a base for soup stock. Tango is mild and generally not bitter.

80 days to maturity.

Start seeds inside 3/15-4/31, seed depth: 1/8", and keep soil temp 65-75°. Keep seeds moist until germination. Days to seed germination: 14-30. Transplant outside 5/15-6/30 spaced 24" apart. Keep celery plants well watered & weeded. If you like "blanched" celery (light in color like you get it from the store) you can hill soil up around the base of the plant or place something around the plant to block light such as paper collars.