Direct sow outside anytime from early Spring through late August. Broadcast seeds or plant in rows. Broadcast about 33 seeds per square foot (1 packet covers up to 22.5 sqft), or plant in rows 1/4” apart, with 18” between rows. Press tiny seeds into soil, but do not cover more than 1/8” deep. Keep soil moist until emergence, and then keep weeded until establishment. Days to germination: 5-7
Pick off or clip individual baby leaves before flowering for mildest flavor and regular harvests. Plants can also be cut at soil level, but they may not re-sprout. Flowers are also edible, and leaves become spicier after flowering.
Perennial arugula is an easy seed saving plant, and will likely reseed heavily. Will not cross with common Arugula which is a different species. Minimum population size: 5 plants. Collect seeds from the best plants once pods have turned from green to tan but before seeds have been released. Clean seed as a dry-seeded crop.
Our Recommendations with Wild Perennial Organic Arugula Seeds