Gold Pattypan Organic Summer Squash Seeds

Nature & Nurture Seeds

Cucurbita pepo


Pkt(≈18 seeds)
VALUE SIZE: (≈70 seeds)
Certified Organic

Wild squash originated in the America's and were domesticated by Native Americans centuries ago. Following European colonization, pilgrims began to grow the pattypan squashes of the indigenous people. Pattypan squash, also known as "scallop" squash, have remained popular in the U.S. ever since. Gold Pattypan produces a golden, scallop-shaped fruit that tastes great and is eaten just like a zucchini. Plants are bush-type (non-vining) and grow about 3' tall and up to 5' wide. Long harvest period. Gold color makes them easy to find among the green foliage. These squash are highly vigorous, productive and less attractive to squash bugs than other varieties. Mike really loves pattypan type squash and has been growing it since the 90's. He likes to pick them when they’re very small and tender (about the size of a golf ball) and stir-fry them whole. (AKA "Golden Bush Scallop")

68 days to maturity.

This squash is a “bush” (non-vining) type needing 4 foot spacing between plants. Direct sow seeds outdoors (1/2-1” deep) around June 1st. Days to germination: 4-10. As with all cucurbits, squash plants do not like their roots disturbed during transplanting so if starting seeds indoors, use biodegradable pots. Start seeds indoors May 1st – ideal temperature for germination is 85°- 95° (use heating mat). Squash seedlings are sensitive to damping off fungus so keep seeds on the drier side and use a fan (set to low) to provide air circulation. Once 2 leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Do not let plants become potbound. Transplant (biodegradable pot and all) outdoors around May 21st, spaced 4’ apart. Squash like soil with a lot of organic matter so add compost and/or decomposed manure to soil prior to planting. This summer squash tends to be vigorous and fairly resistant to cucumber beetles and squash bugs but it is always a good idea to protect seedlings by covering them with row cover fabric at planting and leave it on until plants are flowering. Protect squash plants from deer and groundhogs.